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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Störtkuhl

Information Security Management Systems (IT/OT) Security for industrial environments Security analysis of IT/OT systems


ITC2+ 1.01



You can reach me at the mobile number 0160 9758 3112. Office: ITC2+, room: 1.01

consulting time

Consultation hours by appointment via email. thomas.stoertkuhl@th-deg.de


core competencies

Information Security for Industrial Environments (OT) and IT threat and risk analysis for IT/OT environments applied cryptography (public key infrastructure) High Performance Computing: numerical solutions of elliptic differential equations


since 1.10.2020 Professor at the Technical University of Deggendorf, Faculty of Applied Computer Science, Cyber Security and High Performance/Quantum Computing

Nov. 2016-Sep. 2020 Head of Security Management Unit at KORAMIS GmbH; Consulting (Governance, Risk, Compliance, Analysis) in the area of Industrial / OT Security

Oct. 2011-Sep. 2016 Head of the Industrial IT Security Team at TÜV SÜD; Consulting and IEC 62443 certifications in the area of Industrial IT Security

Jul. 2000-Sep. 2011 Member of the Management Board and co-owner of Secaron AG, Head of the Security Management Team; Consulting (Governance, Risk, Compliance, Analysis) in the area of IT Security

Oct.1998-Jun. 2000 Employee of Hypovereinsbank in Munich in the group for “New Security Technologies” (cryptography, public key infra-structures, system and network security)

Jul.1997-Sep.1998 research associate at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bre-merhaven in the field of computer simulation

April.1996-June.1997 research associate at the Leibniz Computing Center of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich in the area of supercomputers

1/1990 Diploma in Physics at the Technical University of Munich (TU) 6/1987 Bachelor in Philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy


Book publication Adlmanninger U., Pröll H., Rudolff L., Silvan S., Spreng M., Störtkuhl T.: Ganzheitliches Management der Informationssicherheit, SecuMedia, Spetember 2008